![]() A Biblical History of 'Truth' A word study of the original Hebrew and Greek word 'truth' provides us with a special glimpse into its important place of our lives. Hebrew reveals the Old Testament usage while the New Testament is found in the study of the Greek usage of the word 'truth.' Old TestamentTwo common OT Hebrew words of truth come from the primitive root of 'aman'. Hebrew always graphically describes its verbs. In this case, we find this root word comes from nursing and thus we also have other words meaning trustworthy, firm and steady. Reliable and faithful are the two key thoughts. One of these words is translated 'Amen' in English. It means sure, truthful and trustworthy.
In summary, we find truth or truthfulness, faith or faithfulness as common translations for the OT Hebrew word. When we read faithfulness in the two verses just below, we should also tell ourselves 'truthful.'
Here are some other beautiful verses using this key OT word.
Interestingly, the Hebrew word often is translated faith, trust, or believing in the Greek OT Septuagint. We cannot escape the strong connection between truth and faith. The modern world is happy to believe things that are not true. (Remember they do not believe in absolute truth so anything they believe is not reliable). So they think Christians likewise do the same. But this is not true. Biblical faith is based on that which is reliable and sure.
The New TestamentThe New Testament was written in Greek and used a number of words to translate the OT word 'truth.' The New Testament word 'aletheia' can refer to both the objective and subjective aspects of truth: absolute truth (real and therefore reliable) and a person of truth, truthful, (honest 2 Cor 7:14). The word itself is made up from two words:
Truth then means 'not hidden.' Truth is the real state of affairs. Truth is the real picture of God, man and the world. This is the reason we define truth as God's perspective of our situation. It is the accurate and real picture. There are many false views of reality called philosophy or of man's relationship with god called religion. The Gnostic religion, an early Christian culture, got caught up with discovering what was hidden. They forgot Christ is the truth. They needed to look no further than Jesus to find God.
This section, though again from John, contrast the source of lies with the source of truth. Note how a false reality of falsehood is created by the devil.
And lastly, two verses from James that enable us to be reminded of our calling to call anyone who has slid back from having God's perspective.
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