Principles What principles were strongly impressed on you today? Circle the most significant ones.
Every worry is rooted in a lie about God.
Prayer is a time of bringing God's Word to shine on our lives as we bring our concerns before Him.
Affirming God's truths is the way we declare God's truth which is relevant to our situation.
A person's request and his assessment of his situation need to be connected.
Jesus teaches truth to build up our trust.
(1) Our souls are more important than our possessions. (6:25)
(2) God really cares for our bodies (6:26)
(3) Worrying is senseless (6:27) I can trust God.
(4) God's design to care for our lives is simply awesome. (6:28-30)
Unless we sincerely ask the Lord for help we will never be able to overcome our worries.
Anxieties are the fuel which feed the fears of our basic insecurities in life.
The root cause of worry is that we did not trust God as we should for some perceived need of our hearts.
When we seek the Lord's will first, God gives us assurance that He will care for our other needs.
When we note worried symptoms, we need to immediately deal with the worry.
Detect and reject refer to the way one exposes the truths of God to the different lies we hae believed.
Humanism is the idol of trusting in oneself.
What things have I tolerated Worry to 'steal' from my life?
Will I pray through each worry until I have found its root lie and defamation against God?
Agree with God about his standards and how you have fallen. Honestly tell Him how you have doubted His care for you.
Testimony What one or two special lessons, stories, illustrations, warnings, etc. can I share with others that might encourage their faith?