Pray BFF Letter #250
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
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I have set the Lord always before me

Dear Prayer Partners,
“I will bless the LORD who has counseled me; Indeed, my mind instructs me in the night. I have set the LORD continually before me; Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken” (Ps 16:7-8).
This prior busy weekend has passed, and now Saturday, the day of my departure to the distant islands, comes quickly. Lots of little and big things to do. The key is to trust the Lord that all will work out.
Chicago airport fires, Philippine typhoons and worldwide troubles make anything possible. Numerous problems around the house are popping up–floor crumbles, car groans, shower doesn’t work, etc.
God’s instructions, guidance, comfort and provision, however, are simply amazing.
Like usual, I do not know where all the funds will come from, but only that somehow it all works out. Just three weeks ago we had only received $100 for this trip, but now we are up to about 80%. There are many unknowns, however, like the time I had to change 5 flights in Nepal!
The Daring Plan
The plan is amazing. Think of traveling many thousands of miles, frequenting not a few airports, and being able to arrive just a few hours before the 3-day seminar begins on Monday. It sounds like a crazy plan, but it often does work out.
In this trip, I have worked with both key pastors before. Each has proved to be faithful and devoted to God’s Word. May God enrich the pastors and leaders that attend the various seminars.
The advantage of the three day seminar is that I can speak about ten consecutive messages, not only providing a solid foundation but also to go far beyond that, going deeper where I sense they need more training. Of course, we need God’s extraordinary protection from all sorts of things.
Last time I was in the Philippines a great typhoon came near overnight but left us fine for the next day. But do pray for our home, for health protection and provision. In prayer, we set the Lord before us, and we trust Him. Only because He is at our right hand will we not be shaken.
Lots of Praises!
The Visaya handout translation is done (57 pages) and powerpoint slides almost ready. Both seminar leaders want me to use slides.
Benjamin and Christina had their wedding celebration this past weekend here in Pittsburgh. It was great to have family, near and far, come and join us. It was nice to welcome our new daughter to our home for a visit. Everything was perfect, including the weather.
Allison has since moved to a better location with lower rent.
Thank the Lord for about 80% that now has come for the current STM!
Join Paul on Twitter! @PaulJBucknell
Next Monday Seminar #1 starts (Oct 6). Pray for safe travel and good weather.
The following Friday night starts Seminar #2 (Oct 10). Pray for good attention.
Anointing and strength for me as I often speak many times a day. -
Strength, health, provision and protection for me, family and BFF as a whole while away.
That God would bless Benjamin and Christina’s marriage.
Remaining funds needed for STM and BFF. -
Kathryn is looking into colleges.
Thanks so much for your prayers!
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone/text: (+1) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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