Pray BFF Letter #237
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
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Time is Ticking

“Making the most of your time because the days are evil!” (Ephesians 5:16)
Time is short!
Getting a year older is not as alarming as realizing how fast this past year has zipped by. Wasn’t it only yesterday that I was preparing last year’s taxes? Our time is limited – to train, to pray, to give, to write and to distribute.
The diabolical darkness is growing around the world. “The days are evil.” The amazing thing is that God gives grace for His people and BFF to carry out their ministries despite the advances by the evil one. Remember how Jesus ministered to others though many diabolical forces opposed Him?
Our goal
BFF has three larger goals: Develop, Distribute and Deeply Penetrate. The last goal is heaviest on my heart. Every day many Christian leaders are eager for the Lord but do not understanding the Scriptures. They do not have access to good training materials.
God is raising up many tens of thousands of Christian leaders without access to good Christian books on a library shelf. I have a huge library; they often have not even a single book. I received another email today, quite typical of the ones I get, requesting that BFF books be translated into another language:
“Our people are so poor in literature, it will be a great blessing for leaders and pastors and workers of God in Myanmar.”
I am thankful that we have been able to break into two new language regions this past year: Spanish and Nepalese, but this is still so inadequate. God loves all peoples and wants His people to be vibrant in their faith and strong in knowledge. Fortunately, we are moving in the right direction with the BFF website. Right now, the web gives us many opportunities to distribute useful resources around the world at a minimal cost.
Here is a sample of a few downloads from November:
- Audio mp3 on Discipleship Training listened to more than 700 times in Hindi (India).
- Graciousness, (part of Godly Man) was accessed 50 times in Telugu (India).
- Plan of Discipleship from 2 Timothy 2:2(written in Spanish 33 times).
And so the list goes, in Amharic (Ethiopia), Chichewa (Malawi), etc. English, of course, is by far our greatest language resource, but this still is far from sufficient.
Deeper Penetration
This means sending the many BFF resources to places that have not yet been reached. They are a gift God has given us to pass on to others.
Pray with us as God thrusts little BFF further into this big, wide world, with the knowledge that we have limited time and much opposition. Ask God to cause the BFF training materials to penetrate deeply into the hearts of His people all around the world.
2013 has been a great year, full of blessings, new books, audio/visuals, language breakthroughs and even reached our financial goals. Praise God and thank you!
Our adult Sunday Training class on the Psalms came to a good close. I love working with our team of teachers.
The Christmas message, Mary’s Response to God’s Gift, was used of God in a special way with quite a few. View it!
BFF is on Flipboard (an app for mobile devices). It showcases 12 magazines including one in Chinese! Look for: Paul J. Bucknell or Discipler55.
God has wonderfully taken care of BFF and our family this past year. Friendship with key leaders across the world serves as a great benefit to this ministry. Can’t wait for heaven to spend more time with them!
Feel free to read our Bucknell Family letter.
Paul is starting off the new adult Sunday Training Session, Reaching Beyond Mediocrity, over the next 4 Sundays.
Continue to pray for scheduling for the winter/spring: STMs haven’t yet been finalized. Kathryn is planning to go with Paul to Peru. Parenting class schedule not firmed up.
A slight set-back on Paul’s back (picked up some huge logs good for firewood). I wouldn’t mention it except that a good back is very helpful (usually taken for granted) for training overseas.
Having BFF resources deeply penetrating this year into unreached areas. Blessing on old strategies (which are continuing) and new ones.
Thanks so much for your prayers!
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone: (+1) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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BFF is an official 501(c)(3) nonprofit religious organization and able to offer receipts to contributions in the United States. Address your financial support to Biblical Foundations for Freedom (or BFF). All designated funds go to the general fund, but specified gifts are allowed: STM (overseas training), Love (helping overseas pastors/ Christian leaders and families in need). Thank you for your kind giving!