Pray BFF Letter #235
Saturday, Novemeber 16, 2013
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God Knows the Future

Dear Prayer Partners,
Linda and I recently had an interesting conversation. “Do you still need that paper cutter?” she asked. “And what about the binding machine?”
They are relics from past plans. When BFF first started (2000), we lived on a shoestring and a big God-given vision. I was preparing to print my own materials in book form. About the same time, self-publishing came into being. You submit your book, and with a press of a button, huge machines send your book onto the automatic assembly line: printed, cut and covered. It is simply amazing and inexpensive. So the paper cutter, strong enough to slice a telephone book, has never been used. I am glad for that, since my time is tied up with many other projects.
Could we foresee the many changes in the publishing industry? Not at all. But the Lord did. He has set us on a mission to prepare resources for the world that go way beyond the printed page into the digital sphere which many people are very familiar with. Here is just one statistic: “According to Forrester Research, 112.5 million US adults are expected to own a tablet in 2016. That’s over one-third of US adults (Forrester, March 2012).”
While preparing for BFF’s annual board (Nov.19th), many thoughts fly through my mind. Of most importance is not what God has done, though that provides clues to where God might be leading, but what God wants done. While running a race, a person doesn’t look behind, but focuses on where he is going. BFF needs a steady focus on what God wants accomplished. You can catch a greater glimpse of what God is doing in the world and how BFF fits into this work. I am totally awed when I thinkabout what God is doing around the world. It is simply amazing. Check The New Era of Modern Missions out:
Download here: The New Era of Modern Missions:
Video: 50% | Stream 100% | Download || Audio: mp3 || Handout: pdf | docx || Slides: pdf
In the video you will join me in an ‘auto’ down an Indian street!
Meanwhile, God raises up small, unnoticed ministries like ourselves all around the world and completes His great and glorious work. The world is oblivious to the growing kingdom of God. Note one slide, on the right, from the presentation. It shows the huge increase of cross-cultural missionaries in the recent past.
I am so privileged to serve God in these latter days of ‘His-story.’ Think of a picture of a road that narrows off as it goes off into the distance. Time is winding down along with our opportunities to serve our living God. We must make the most of the opportunities in front of us. There are still many challenges ahead, but the Lord has them all figured out. We just need to cooperate with Him.
The words of the Lord from many years ago still ring out a strong note of encouragement to His workers, “No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you. Be strong and courageous, for you shall give this people possession of the land which I swore to their fathers to give them” (Joshua 1:5-6).
We might not know the future, but fortunately, Lord Jehovah is faithfully leading us all the way!
My back is much better, though still waiting for full healing. Some jobs around the house require extreme bending.
Thank the Lord for the many great people of God I get to meet and work with around the world, whether through phone or while on my trips.
Praise the Lord that He is reaching the nations!
The Nepali materials have been processed and posted on the web.
Met with or contacted key leaders with our Seed Project; seeking to distribute BFF resources to His people in various nations.
Praise the Lord that Allison received notice that her tuition for her last semester will only be $100! She is now applying for graduate school.
Preaching on Loving One Another - 1 John 4:7-12 on Nov 17th.
BFF Annual Board meeting this coming week.
Need grace and focus as I finish numerous projects by the end of the year.
Seek God's grace for those Paul individually meets up with.
Wisdom for leading the adult Sunday Training classes and especially for next semester.
Thanks so much for your prayers!
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone: (+1) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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