Pray BFF Letter #226
Monday, June 3, 2013
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“Your Wonderful Deeds!”
"I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds” (Psalm 9:1).

"I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds” (Psalm 9:1).
Dear Prayer Partners,
Riding high after a busy weekend celebrating my daughter Elizabeth’s wedding and my youngest son Isaac’s birthday, I flew on a trouble free flight to Peru. The trip went remarkably as planned. My numerous Peru field reports were spiced up with photos in our #225 letter which you can view by clicking here. Some of my post-Peru STM reflections are below. {BFF News alert at the end}.
A Special Peru Thanks
Your prayers are special. Our prayer team is indeed made up of internationals from: Africa, Southeast Asia, India and other places around the world. One Indian pastor wrote, “And we prayed regularly on our fasting days and continually praying.” When I told one Peru seminar attendees about people from other nations praying for them, they shouted out with great appreciation. The Lord is building His people around the world. This renewal takes place in greater and more qualitative ways when we join hearts and hands together to seek His true purposes.
Those prayers were answered in amazing ways. We were protected in the intense, chaotic city traffic as well ascending and descending on the rigorous mountain trip. Our team adjusted well. I suppose the 8 hour trip up and over the Andes mountain range helped give us time to adjust before exercising ourselves! I spoke that same evening and was heartily welcomed by what seemed to be half Indian and half Peruvian attendees.
This trip was perhaps the most demanding as I think I only had one free hour awake. If I was not traveling, I was speaking. When not speaking, sleeping. But it was worth compacting the trip to arrive home on our 35th wedding anniversary! I spoke about 18 hours on marriage, not including many involved question-answer times. It is great to be able to reflect back on our own marriage as I shared with these couples. I would have nothing to say if God had not mightily show His grace in our lives.
Couples were being transformed right during the sessions. After one session, several couples went to see the pastors. They wanted to show appreciation through preparing a meal for them.
Several mornings before running off to the meetings I used Skype to help get our van accident rightly cared for. I am thankful for protecting my wife and getting the van repaired before Memorial Day weekend. Meanwhile, a brother and sister lent us their car. All was wonderfully provided for.
A Significant work
The Lima attendance was lower than expected but still a good group. This made it possible to break them into small discussion groups to brainstorm ideas on making new disciples.
Those that came were attentive and greatly benefited from God’s Word. God was working out His precious Word in their lives. Although most could not speak English, they certainly knew how to show their appreciation! Can you recognize the person hiding under the winter clothes? (This was given to me by those who appreciate warm clothes two miles high in the mountains!)
My deep appreciation goes to our Lord who calls us to join Him in His most excellent work. God promised more fruit in our BFF ministry and certainly He is carrying that out by extending our training materials into the Spanish world. I am overwhelmed by His great work and the power of His healing truth.
An Ongoing Story
One great aspect of BFF’s ministry is that it is self-reproducing. We capture and ‘tame’ these teaching sessions and set them up on the web. I do not need to keep going to Peru or Costa Rica to teach on marriage or our basic seminar. Spanish speaking people from North, Central and South America (and parts of Europe) can equally access these materials. Furthermore, we have handouts and give them the Microsoft Word documents to edit for their own purposes.
So far I have worked through 12 videos and their associated web pages. All are posted. Now I will work on the marriage ones this coming week. I just noticed that I need to spend more time doing this because the screen videos were not captured in the video recording.
The Spanish people greatly desire access to these materials. One other good outcome besides couples being reunited, pastors are being envisioned to having great marriages and bringing renewal to their churches, is that a translator has offered to bring the parenting book into Spanish. I may return to a Spanish speaking country next year to hold different kinds of seminars to establish a broader base of Spanish language of materials.
It is awesome to see God release His awesome truth into His people’s lives! It was great being with God’s worldwide family again.
Thank the Lord for a safe return home with a God-blessed ministry.
The full funding has been promised or has come in for this STM trip!
The Lord has taken care of my Dad during his hip rehabilitation.
All the Spanish handouts and powerpoints are complete and bring used! (We were touching some up right before some messages.)
My health was excellent on the trip (food was good too!).
I was able to finish a last minute (many hours to do) revamping of our store pages due to Paypal’s changes before the trip.
Someone special, my daughter Allison, will be a part-time BFF intern this year. How exciting! She is studying creative writing and a great fit for BFF ministry. She has one year left at Union University in Jackson, TN. (Thanks for all your prayers for her tuition needs!)
My Dad has recently moved to assisted living. Pray that he would adjust and God would work out details for a summer trip to visit him and care for cleaning his house.
Grace to finish the Spanish series in the next two weeks. Somehow the screen feed didn’t come through so Paul will need to redo the slides.
I have two books I want to finish up and publish this year.
Wisdom to create much over-due new web template pages.
God would take these many BFF resources and greatly strengthen His people.
Thanks so much for your prayers!
PLEASE NOTE - June 4th, 2013:
The IRS has reinstated our religious nonprofit tax status! More in the next prayer letter.
Meanwhile, send your financial support addressed to Biblical Foundations for Freedom (BFF) directly to us. In the memo note (General, STM, Love). We are so thankful for your kind giving!
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone: (+001) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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