Pray BFF Letter #219
Thursday, January 31, 2013
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“Equipping the saints for their service!”
“For the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12, NASB).

“For the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12, NASB).
Dear Prayer Partners,
The new year, 2013, has caught me off guard. Perhaps I am slowing down a bit or I had a lot more going on than I realized. Hopefully, you received our latest family letter announcing the upcoming wedding of our eldest daughter, Elizabeth.
Study Updates
Near the end of the year, I finished up a new 99 page 1 Peter Bible Study Book. I love developing Bible study questions. The fall semester’s Sunday Training study from 1 Peter gave me the opportunity to create this new study guide.
A significant amount of time was invested in preparation for the new semester’s class at our church on redemption. This is such an exciting study-observing the various ways God has woven redemption into our very history. If you are interested, follow along with us!
The Seed Project
The new The Seed Project, will largely be replacing our free dual-layered Library materials. The Library’s literally went out to the ends of the earth. A pastor recently requested a Library saying,
“It’s a blessing. We have realized how the Library materials have transformed the operation of the Botswana Church. This is a tool of relevance to the ministry, and we are requesting a copy for use in Zimbabwe.”
The Seed Project will reach far beyond the scope of the Library, which requires a computer and skill to run it. With access to BFF libraries through the internet (which is becoming more and more common), and hopefully, soon, our international libraries, not only pastors but all believers in developing countries can have quicker, easier access to BFF’s latest materials. By offering it free, those that cannot afford our store prices can still obtain it.
The Seed Project will make downloading books, power points, articles and maps or listening to audio and watching videos via smart phone easy and accessible. More info on this project still to come, but do pray as we seek wisdom to set it up and launch it. Not everyone has access to a computer, but from my observation, smart phone use is spreading quickly. “China’s 3G subscribers grow 83% in 2012, reach 233M.”
Short Term Mission trips
Two STM trips are being planned now for the spring, one in Peru and the other in Cuba. The date of the latter one still needs to be arranged. They are chiefly interested in the marriage seminar but also want discipleship training.
Praise 1 Peter Bible Study questions completed.
Four lessons on the “Redemption Through the Scriptures” series has been taught. One quarter way through.
Planning is coming along for the spring trips.
Elizabeth will be getting married May 4th!
Catching up with financial details.
Paul finally figured out how to set up a new tracking system for BFF (via a new database).
2012 was the first year we were able to receive a full salary!
Do remember final timing and arrangements for the two spring STM trips.
Pray that the Lord will provide all our financial needs this year for His glory as He did last year.
Praise the Lord about 35% of what Allison needs for this semester has come in.
Pray for wisdom and resources about an extra STM trip to Ukraine or Russia.
Looking forward to extra time in Florida to write and visit my parents.
Thanks so much for all of your prayers!
- If you want a tax deductible receipt when making financial contributions, please send the check to our address but write the check to PCCO with BFF in the memo (General, STM, Love). We are so thankful for your kind giving!
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone: (+01) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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