Pray BFF Letter #209
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
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In the Cloud
"Let each exercise them accordingly: ...
if service, in his serving;
or he who teaches, in his teaching" (Romans 12:6-7).

"Let each exercise them accordingly: ...
if service, in his serving;
or he who teaches, in his teaching" (Romans 12:6-7).
Dear Prayer Partners,
The 'cloud' is a popular, new invention giving direct access to an internet host computer storage area for downloading content rather than storing it on one's own personal computer devices.
Seven libraries now in the Cloud
BFF has grown tremendously over the past several years, as has the world's dependence upon the internet. I remember uploading the first BFF series 'Running the Race' to the web. That was over ten years ago.
Now BFF has seven huge English libraries of training materials to offer God's people around the world. Creating training material is one thing, but distribution is another key goal. The easier it is to access, the more people will be able to use it freely. We use all sorts of ways to send our material out to the world: via the web,free materialss to ministers and the BFF store.
Every week there are a few people who try to access the libraries but due to various problems, they cannot download and use such big downloads. Storing them on the cloud makes it not only much easier to access but now people can just open and use the book, article, video, powerpoint, diagram, mp3s, etc. right on their smartphones, tablets, etc.
Lots of work
I had to spend quite a bit of time ensuring that all the links and descriptions work. The last one, the New Testament Library, had to have a number of old videos, articles and powerpoints updated. There are 534 pdf links and 65 powerpoints just in this one library.
One of these pdfs might be a whole book, like the Romans or Colossians commentary. The index itself is 17 pages long. Now everything is nicely organized. Hopefully, it will lessen the number of phone calls from people needing help downloading and give me more time.
People can order just the books, but getting a library is a great bargain as they get the books, and all the teacher resources for a little more than twice the cost of one book. We have tried to keep the price down. We do hope to get an app up for the iPad that will make it even more straight forward–but that is another project for another day.
Here is a note from a pastor in Ohio.
I got the books (on Cross Training). I love them! We have a church for the deaf that is on fire for reaching souls. These books are so visual and so God centered! Thanks for all you do! God bless You!
Answered prayer
Praise the Lord! We asked prayer for insight for integrating the philosophy and practice of discipleship into Christian training. As I started to write down my ideas, it turned into a book! The rough draft is almost done. My mind has been able to steadily focus on this project. More on the Life Core later! Thanks so much for your prayers. I really sense God's amazing help on this project.
Here is an English video of our most recent African trip
Different Worlds, Same Needs.
Video–Click to view: Stream | Download
Praise the Lord for help writing a book this past month.
The Lord helped me speak at our church's mission's month last Sunday in Chinese. It is always a challenge, not knowing what will come out when I start to speak. Check to view the short video above (in English).
Getting these seven libraries up on the web.
Our teaching series on Knowing God: Experience and Love Him is completed. Click the title for reading, questions and videos!
Wisdom in following up the contacts for my fall trip to the Philippines.
For the government to speedily reinstate BFF's tax-exempt status.
I'll be preaching from Genesis on Sunday.
Extra grace to do a lot of editing in the next month or so.
Continued insight as I think further about the huge problem of the lack of discipleship in our churches. It is a major problem that requires huge changes for real change to come about.
Thanks so much for all of your prayers!
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone: (+01) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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