Pray BFF Letter #206
April 3, 2012
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STM 2012 Africa Field Reports

Dear Prayer Partners,
March 29th 2012 - Sent from Malawi
Thanks for praying. God has been continually doing so much in the hearts of the people. The Parenting seminar started today and will end tomorrow. Other than sore feet pads and one small stomach upset, doing fine.
More people have come. Look at pictures at BFF Facebook. It can be updated easier than this letter. Do join!
They loved it when I told them about my difficulty learning to eat their staple food made from Maize, Nsimi (they use their hands). My hands can't touch such hot food. They laughed. I guess they are used to it. Do pray for our last day tomorrow and travel on Saturday to Ethiopia. I am supposed to preach on Sunday there.
In God's Love,
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Tuesday, April 3rd 2012 - Sent from Ethiopia
Dear Prayer partners,
So good to be able to write. Very little internet here.
I got over the stomach bout that interrupted Malawi's last day of messages but managed to finish okay. It was so good to see God helping them in so many ways. They were so happy. I was repeatedly invited back.
Stomach finally got better before first day here in Addis Ababa. Takes close to 1 hour each way to travel to meetings due to traffic. Lots of interesting scenes in this busy, busy city.
The seminar is life changing for some. Although some cannot speak English, but the way they embrace, hold me tight and deeply look into my eyes helps me understand their appreciation. One translator told me that this is laying a whole new foundation for the church. After communism, the church has been caught off guard and not carefully teaching.
Tomorrow is my last seminar day. Then I fly back on Thursday, Lord willing. May God raise up the Ethiopian church!
Thanks for your prayers,
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone: (+01) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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