Pray BFF Letter #204
Saturday, March 10, 2012
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The Power of Truth

"Jesus therefore was saying to those Jews who had believed Him,
"If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine;
and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free""
(John 8:31-32 (NASB)).
Dear Prayer Partners,
Why travel across the world and teach God's Word? God made it clear very early in this ministry that He wanted me to teach overseas and that He would provide what was needed.
He has given me many excellent opportunities (many more than I could handle), vast teaching resources, good health, family support and sufficient finances to persist in this valuable ministry.
God's Purpose
Having crisscrossed the world numerous times, I can see God's purposes for it all: First, the response to Biblical teaching is so much greater in these countries than in the West. Secondly, their need is much greater. I still remember these words from Malawi and Kenya, that haunt me: "No one has ever taught us about marriage before."
Third, we find it to be a strategic investment in God's kingdom, not only in terms of God's Word, but in terms of time and finances. Money goes so much further there. Fourth, these nations and subcultures are, by and large, new to hear the Word of God. Within the last thirty years or so have come to know the Lord and therefore require much more ‘babying' in terms of providing focused teaching.
This will be my second trip to both Malawi and Ethiopia. Each has etched special scenes and sounds on my mind. I have one busy week left before I take off. I seek your prayer and financial support. I will be giving about 40 different planned messages, each about 90 minutes long (though translated).
Praise God!
We are glad to report that the Lord has been moving His people to give. We have about 33% (1/3) of what we need. One Malawi coordinator just wrote today.
Our hope is that we can provide more to help them. It is not too late to give! Just remember to write the check to PCCO to get a tax deductible receipt. Still send it to me and put in the memo "BFF STM." We will bring it to the church.
Almost finished with tax forms! Yeah! (This is not my favorite pastime.)
Finishing last minute things and printing material for pastors.
Been able to prepare for two messages tomorrow.
"I had invited about 30 leaders, but when I was cross-checking yesterday I understand there were around 100 people or more. I was shocked because that was beyond my expectation. Your proposed daily contributions should be okay. Let's trust God for a miracle so that the seminars won't fail because of financial short-falls."

Power of God's Word to be released as Paul speaks Sunday March 11th, "The Exalted God" (Sunday School) and "Religion Kills" from Genesis 4 (sermon).
Paul leaves very early morning Monday, March 19th. Much to do including stuff around the home.
Pastors are asking for flash drives, digital cameras, laptops.
Extra grace for Paul with his heavy preparation load for the four seminars.
Full provision for this African STM.
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone: (+01) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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