Pray BFF Letter #155
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Is it Worth it All?
Dear Support Team,
Thank you for your prayers. I have been making good progress toward finishing the African seminar podcasts. Only two more to edit.
The outlines for the India Seminar must be finished by mid to late August in order to be translated into Bengali in time for the seminars during Sept. 13-27.
This week's work load is greater due to preaching and teaching preparation for Sunday August 16th.
Some might ask, "Is all the extra work worth it?" I believe it is. I could get away without doing these podcasts and outlines or even the incremental training series. There are several motivational factors that help me depend constantly on God's grace for this work.
- We desire the training to be as effective as possible as we minister to various language groups.
- The local pastors have very few written resources. They treasure and pass around the BFF notes/books.
- They request translated outlines.
- They are refreshed from the training notes.
- Perhaps most important factor is the impact these seminars have. Here is one of many testimonies that keep coming in.
Hello man of God, I would like to inform you that the seminar that you conducted in Kenya revolutionized my entire life and prompted me to embark on major discipleship. I would request you to send me thefree materials so that the work of God that he has planted in you may reach as many as the Lord intends.
- from Nairobi, Kenya - The training materials enable them to better understand Biblical teaching and help them train their own congregations. I have too many requests to be everywhere. But if they are burdened, they can (and some do) develop their own ministries. In the past few weeks several brothers have written me about training that they are doing locally.
View short movie of past African trip
- Strategically, these men are best equipped to serve and train their own people. I met this one brother (see below) during a quick lunch where he overheard me speaking about what I do. He recently sent me an email and invited me to come and speak when I return to Nairobi next April, as well as share in the churches. I doubt I can go but, he can receive the training via the podcasts!
We are a registered ministry and I am overseeing 17 branches in several areas in Kenya. Furthermore, 4 other branches are flourishing in the republic of Uganda. So our request is sincere before you as our ministers and pastors need training for the furtherance of this everlasting kingdom.
This age of computers and networking is amazing. The Lord started me on this route, and I can see God's great planning all the more clearly as time goes on. We do run on a shoestring budget, but God is able to do great and mighty things with a few loaves and fish. Praise Him!
Praise God that a few have started contributing to our India trip in September.
Pastor J's health is improving.
Linda's hips and back have greatly improved. Thanks for your prayers.
God is stirring up the saints all around Kenya with this discipleship vision.
We still need close to $5,000 for the India Seminar in September.
Pastor J. and his team desperately need an office of their own. They have had to relocate several times due to pressures from those opposing the gospel around them. (Neighbors influence the landlord).
Pastor J. will be getting married soon. He heard many from her side of the family will come. She has become a Christian but her relatives are not. They will have a Christian wedding. May God save! They need a place to live.
Paul leaves for India Sept 13th. So much to do before then.
Concentration and Spirit's help to finish outlines and write new articles.
Paul preaching and teaching Sunday (August 16th).
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell
Biblical Foundations for Freedom, President & Instructor
Phone: (+01) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA