Pray BFF #97 September 3, 2006
Dear Prayer Team,
On the Road!
Some might consider this trip rather exotic. I suppose it is. But I rarely have a moment to sit back and enjoy those around me and the scenery. Either I am exhausted, speaking, jostled about in a vehicle or getting ready for another message. I am totally unable to manage on my own. Only by the Lord's abundant grace can I stand and speak forth His mighty Word. He is my strength. It is for this reason, I ask you to pray for me during these three 3-day pastor conferences.
I was recently encouraged by a passage in God's Word. “The steadfast of mind Thou wilt keep in perfect peace, Because he trusts in Thee. “Trust in the LORD forever, For in GOD the LORD, we have an everlasting Rock.” Isaiah 26:3, 4). The Lord is the absolute trustworthy One to uphold me.
I am off tomorrow (Sunday). Do pray. We thank the Lord for putting off the Northwest Airline strike. Praise God. It is important that I get to India on Wednesday. (Yes, it takes that long to get there and there is only have one flight a day to the city I am going).
We also praise God for the money that has come in or that is promised. We trust it will be sufficient for God's purposes. Pastor Stephen made a three day trip to one of the cities that we will be visiting. Do pray for him and his family as well as mine. I hear the "I will miss you, Daddy" words.
Target Days
Palakimidi (Sept 7-9)
Rayaghada (Sept 11-13)
Bobbili (Sept 14-16)
Meanwhile, we are thankful for helping Paul recover from a cold last night. We are thankful Christy is recovering from an infection. And thankful that our new dog, Riley, who came to us through many prayers, is still living after a bout of sickness.
Serving Together for the Glory of God,