Pray BFF #84 December 6th, 2005
Dear Prayer Team,
Answers to Ministry Prayers!
We are thankful for encouraging signs of His blessing. The people that come back again and again to the website are one testimony to HIS blessing. Only about 25% of our readers come from a search engine like Google. They are usually looking for a particular insight into an issue. A good healthy 900 of our present 1,200 daily readers come straight to the website. We are also thankful for the encouragements people send us from around the world:
Dear Brethren
Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and saviour. Just a note of gratitude and thanksgiving to God for your work available to His children for restoration for so key an institution as marriage. Thanks for availing such powerful tools and teaching on the internet for all to access. God bless you all.
Pastor M. from Uganda.
May we keep praying! This pastor mentions exactly the kind of fruit we want to bear: powerful tools and teaching on the internet for all to access. We want God to build up the faith of His people around the world. Our desire id to see them experience the power of His Word at work in some practical aspect of their lives. In the case above, it was marriage. We receive many thanks-yous for the help on the site, whether it be Overcoming Anxiety, Devotions, Roman Bible Study series, marriage or parenting series. Only by God's abounding grace could we write about so many topics. We are very aware of this.
Answers to Financial Prayers!
As we review this year's finances, we are very amazed by how God has seen us through. We were probably very close to the edge for about half of the year. That means we were close to having no extra money. The wonderful thing is that God ALWAYS provides enough. If giving is low one month, He might have more come in from sales. It never is much, but it is always a miracle to see how He balances the books. Day by day our children see how God provides for all our needs. Our ministry has now run on faith in our living God for four years. This is long enough to silence any that would say it is "coincidence". It is a real and living testimony to God's provision, not only money but also peace of heart.
We also want to report how the Lord brought in abundant gifts for our missionary trip to India and Singapore. An incredible $12,660 came in before the trip in just a few short weeks. $11,940 was spent with $9,071 of that spent in India. You provided for about 180 pastors for 11 days of ministry that included books, housing, food and some travel expenses for those who needed it. We want to thank you again for your faithfulness. The pastors were delighted with the meetings. The left over money remains in the STM (short term ministry) fund for future trips.
Thanks to God!
Requests to God
Lots of good feedback came from the special message at the leaders retreat on Reviving Our Personal Devotions.
Thank the Lord for His wonderful care for us and the ministry over this past year.
We were able to have a picnic at the zoo on one of the warm late fall days!
Paul has made good progress in editing and also on the multimedia project.
We are thankful for some guidance for ministry next year.
Pastor M. from Uganda and many other readers would appreciate prayers for their marriages and families.
Pray for freedom from oppression for Christians from Hindu activists in Orissa State. They are not able to invite us safely back there right now. Pray for healing for the one pastor's daughter's wrist that recently had a tumor removed.
Please keep praying for the multi-media production in Library format. Paul has so much to learn. Learning takes valuable time.
Pray for persistence in Paul's rough editing of a new book.
May the Lord continue to provide for our needs.
Prayer is needed as plans for different seminars are made for next year both locally as well as overseas.
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