Pray BFF#34 November 9, 2002
Dear Prayer Team,
Thanks for your prayers!
We are so grateful for God's work through your prayers. By His grace BFF reached the year-end goal of a daily average of 500 page views at the end of October. We can see this more easily when we look at the total monthly pages that were read.
Dec 2001: 2,949 pages viewed Jan 2002: 5,783 pages viewed
Oct 2002: 15,580 pages viewed
We are so thankful for the increase from 300 to 15,000 in just 10 months time. A 500% increase. God is blessing! This was done without any paid search engine help or promotional ads. What does God want for next year?
Developing Goals
We can easily state goals but how do we know they are of the Lord? We remember our hopes for putting the Anxiety Seminar onto video. I learned a lot getting ready for that, but it never came to fruition, at least not yet. Some people wonder if goals are even biblical.
Making goals is a subtle process. We start by reflecting on what God has put on our hearts. We take a look at what He has already said and listen to Him as we look for what He wants. We are to stay steady on our course doing as He leads. He will put on our hearts what is on His heart. The key is discerning what is from Him and what is of ourselves. Goal making is the "Commit your way to Yahweh" as Psalm 37:5 says.
Trust in the LORD, and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, and He will do it. (Psalms 37:3-5, NASB).
True biblical goals are always shaped by what God wants to do in our lives. We like it. We get excited about it. We see that we can't do it on our own. We pray. We see our need for His help. We commit our (God's and ours) plans to Him so that "He will do it." I like goals because they shape our prayer requests and bring glory to Him for doing what we can't do.
Facing Difficulties
We have mentioned our dear brother Pastor Stephen in India. The discipleship training center that he planned to start has been postponed until next year. They have three difficult problems.
1) Translation of the material. 2) A cult has caused trouble to some families. Seems better by God's grace. 3) Political oppression nearby. I'll let you read his words.
Brother , situations are not yet good in our country. Few days back our neighbor state Tamilnadu assembly has passed the Any Christian Bill. There is 1,00,000 rupees fine and 4 years imprisonment for the Pastors and Evangelists those who are convert the people from Hindus to Christians. Present 6 States are implementing this Anti Christian Bill in our Country.
May God hold back the tide against His Name and advance His cause in India and especially with Pastor Stephen and family, the church and their outreach.
Thanks to God!
Requests to God
Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, and He will do it. (Psalms 37:5, NASB).
Our hearts are so thankful for how God is using BFF's material in people's lives.
Thank the Lord that the 7 Laws of the Learner is completed. We all greatly appreciated it. Now to implement these insights into our teaching!
Paul really senses God's help in writing the materials. Ideas just keep on flowing.
Thank the Lord that He seemed to really help a number of students better handle (hopefully overcome completely) their stress.
Our family's colds have gone away.
Ask God for clarity and faith as we sense His goals for BFF in the coming year. Some are very challenging.
Note the three requests above for Pastor Stephen in India: translation, cult protection and Lord's hand on them in political oppression.
Preparation for teaching Genesis next semester. Hope to also make it web presentable.
May God really touch the hearts of those who are reading BFF materials.
Still working on the two series: Parenting series and Revival.
Our pastor's goal is to have the pre-service prayer meeting grow from 50 to 100 by the end of the year. We are already excited at the growing prayer momentum here.
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