Running a race requires endurance. I would like to share more on how to inspect your endurance level and how by God's grace our endurance can be built up to finish that race.

Many of us have fallen flat on our faces in the area of sexual purity. Not just once but many times. It might have become a lifestyle. You have tried but have been defeated. And noone likes this sense of defeat. But I would like to share with you the reasons for defeat and steps to overcome impurity and maintain purity of heart.

The Big Race

Joining in
The big challenge
Your number is ...
Can't make it?
Two decisions
My Broken Trophy
Let's run for it!
Chains broken
The Plan

Getting Ready
Getting in Shape
Your Trainers
Distance Training
Course Overview

Crossing the Line
Readying the Mind
Mastering the Course
Deciding to Win

Running the Race
Gaining stamina
Overcoming hurdles
Roadside cheer
Feeling overwhelmed
Thoughts controlled!

BFF Homepage

Many have given up on being sexually pure. Some are struggling hard with temptation. Almost each day e-mails arrive in the privacy of my office where I am invited to stop worrying about staying in that old race and to step into an adventure of sensual pleasure. Whispers like a bat flurrying about my head haunt me with, "Everyone else is doing it."
But it simply isn't true. It wasn't true of Job and the many others running the race of sexual purity. I hope you will join Job, me and a host of others in running this life race for sexual purity.

"I have made a covenant with my eyes; How then could I gaze at a virgin?"
- Job 31:1

This next page gives us an
overall look on how we
can join back in and stay in
right to the end on this race of purity.

Two crucial questions face us:

ill we run to the end?

Can we finish the race?