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1 & 2 Samuel

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Audio Podcast

1 Samuel 15

Paul J. Bucknell

King Saul’s Disobedience & Demise

Introductory | The Crisis (1 Samuel 15:1-3) | The Response (1 Samuel 15:4-9)
The Test (1 Samuel 15:10-15) | The Excuse (1 Samuel 15:16-23)
The Confession (1 Samuel 15:24-31) | The Future (1 Samuel 15:32-35)

Bible Study Questions | mp3 Podcast

The historical books are filled with great examples of how God interacts with mankind. 1 Samuel 15 is no exception. Here we observe the full development of how wrongly responding to the Lord in one area of one’s life can have an impact on the rest of one’s life if not changed. A slow heart towards the things of God can so easily grasp each of us.

By looking at King Saul’s life and decision making, we are able to scrutinize our own heart and decisions. Jeremiah says, “The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; Who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). These heart self-examinations are very helpful to keep us from where King Saul went.

Click below to listen here or download.

Audio: mp3

Read the study or print out the Bible study questions that accompany this practical exposition on 1 Samuel 15! Below is the outline.

A) The Crisis: Opportunity and Temptation (1 Samuel 15:1-3)


B) The Response: Tolerating a Little Sin (1 Samuel 15:4-9)


C) The Test: Differing Opinions (1 Samuel 15:10-15)


D) The Excuse: Shifts Blame (1 Samuel 15:16-23)


E) The Confession: Reveals his Superficial Heart (1 Samuel 15:24-31)


F) The Future: Arrogance Perpetuates Problems (15:32-35)


  1. Where are you now in your spiritual walk?

  2. Opportunities > Temptations > Pride > Denial > Consequences > Hardness

  3. See if there are any areas in which you have compromised or minimized?

  4. Look at these things from God’s perspective and rightly handle them.



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Check out out Digital Old Testament Library for a huge collection of resources on 1 Samuel and all of the Old Testament!Check out our Digital Old Testament Library for a huge collection of resources on 1 Samuel and all of the Old Testament!