Pray BFF #106

March 13, 2007

(PDF Format)

Dear Prayer Team,

The Steps Forward are So Hard

I remember walking through mountain paths. My legs were so tired, I longed to stop and rest. My Dad, however, just kept my brother and me going. Each step was a trial. Fortunately, when we got to our destination, we were so glad we had not stopped earlier. The view was magnificent!

Off and on from the beginning, we have deliberated about becoming an official nonprofit organization. Several times we have started the process. It seemed overwhelming and so gave up. Sometimes it was because of cash flow; other times confusion about what documentation was needed and still at other times, many urgent projects begged for completion. Most of these things have not changed, but perhaps my perspective has changed.

I mentioned this to a friend who has taken a church through the process and found lots of encouraging remarks. Part of its complexity is reduced due to online filing. However, I do have many other projects begging to be done and a natural distaste for filing forms.

Becoming a nonprofit will not change how we function. I live by these principles anyway. Most of it has to do with the ease and advantage of handling donations and not going through a middleman. I think we need to be ready to advance when God opens the door to develop training centers. Although we are not sure we will need property, God might have this in mind. Lastly, we can only apply for grants from foundations if we are a nonprofit. If BFF stays right where it is, I would gladly not file these forms, but it seems that when God plants an idea, then I should do my best to prepare BFF for it. Any advice or recommendations are welcome! Or even better, if you like filing forms, let me know!

Thoughts on Parenting

There are a number of reasons that our mind is on parenting. First of all, we will start a ten week parenting class in Pittsburgh on March 20th. Excited students have begun to sign up, including one grandmother-to-be who wants to be a good grandmother! It is always a pleasure to see how God has used these classes and materials to help people.

Paul has also decided to self-publish Principles and Practices of Biblical Parenting. He had contemplated printing them himself but realized that international mail costs and customs make the purchases of the book prohibitive. Self-publishing today allows a book to be printed in the country requesting the book to keep down shipping costs. This is a first for us, so pray that the process will go smoothly. I am reformatting the book and making slight modifications.

Please also pray for a Chinese publisher and the showing of the documentary. Although we have a Library of the documentary program, it has not yet been shown in the UK. Perhaps God is waiting for us to get the book into print for the UK! In any case, do pray it will be televised at the right time.

Our African Tour => POSTPONED

God answered prayers. I had arranged a flight to be booked with my travel agent. I was already to purchase a ticket but asked Bishop Samson in Nigeria one last time if the dates and times were good and settled. Instead of getting an okay, Bishop Samson told me that we needed to postpone the program due to an unstable political situation. Evidently, May-June is when the government will go through some big transitions.

Now we are back to square one. Unfortunately, the summer rates to Africa are very expensive and hard to book. By God’s will, I will be able to go later in the year. Thanks for your prayers and praise the Lord for a timely intervention.

Thanks to God

Readership is still high.

Praise God that Paul learned of the problem in Nigeria before the ticket was purchased. He almost purchased it the day before but decided to wait.

Thank the Lord for an editor for The Godly Man!

Paul is so thankful for the encouraging remarks by a brother to keep him going for the nonprofit.

Safety for our children in unsafe times.

Extra financial provision.

Requests to God

Preparation for BFF to be ready for God’s next step whatever that be. Paul is now going through the process for a non-profit. It takes a while.

Pray for a deep work of God in our readers’ lives that they might know God better.

Safety for our family. There have been a number of incidents nearby that we wish our kids were not present at, such as policemen pinning down a man that jumped over a gate.

Paul probably needs to speak in Chinese for the parenting class that starts March 20th

Finish the self-publishing process.

Serving Together for the Glory of God,

Paul and Linda Bucknell
Biblical Foundation for Freedom
3276 Bainton St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Write to Paul with your comments:

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