Pray BFF#36                                             December 9, 2002

Dear Prayer Team,

Advance through Prayers

We have very much sensed your prayers for BFF and for us over the past several weeks. As mentioned in past prayer letters, the Lord seems to be expanding our ministry, and we need to closely discern the Lord's will. We have a much clearer foci on three aspects of BFF ministry: Vision, Materials and Training.


God has been clarifying the vision step by step. Passing this vision on to God's people throughout the world is the greater challenge that lies before us.


God has enabled a good number of materials to be produced. This gives confidence to move on . Since material development been going on since BFF's inception, we just need steady input and direction from God and a ready heart to obey and believe.


We believe that God has not only enabled us to provide training materials but also wants us involved in actual training. Where? With whom? How? We believe God is preparing us through this seeking process and we ask for clear guidance and confirmation.

We will have more to share about what this vision and training might look like but will wait for further confirmation and direction first. Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.

Thanks for your prayers!

Thanks to God!

Requests to God

We are thankful that next years goals for BFF are coming more into focus

We are glad Elizabeth made it home (the dorm) by Thanksgiving noon. She is doing better.

Paul has been more alert in prayer. He senses your arms lifted high in prayer for us. Our marriage doesn't seem like it could be better!

Thank the Lord that BFF has passed that testing time! We really sensed God's hand of peace on our lives.

Haggai is uploaded! Full with introductory charts, commentary notes, both basic and advanced bible study questions, and two special studies: Effective Biblical Leadership and Biblical Counseling – all from Haggai's powerfully packed 2 chapter book! Praise God for wisdom and help!!

Thankful that several smaller pages were competed including an Pastoral Epistles Overview.

"Yet, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief, but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God." (Romans 4:20).

Continue to seek God's wisdom and faith for BFF's vision, materials and training in the year ahead.

Christmas vacation? No. We are trying to get a number of volunteers together to produce a set of cross–cultural discipleship materials over this next month's time.

May God move BFF's readers to love and trust Him more.

Need grace and wisdom for developing materials for the Parenting series and Genesis class next year.

Keep praying for Pastor Stephen who hopes to progress with the training center in the new year.

We have three sick children right now and a number of us are on the edge. Pray for our health and sleep!

My computer is sick too. Maybe out for 3 to 10 days! Yikes. "Doctor" is still deciding.

Elizabeth is back in school after two very rough weeks. Finals are this week, then home for the Holidays.

Serving Together for the Glory of God,

Paul and Linda
Biblical Foundation for Freedom

Write to Paul with your comments:

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